The Benefits of a Facial

A facial can be either a luxury or a regular part of your beauty regimen. Routinely getting a professional facial is beneficial for your skin's health and your bodi’s stress levels. 

Having a professional do the work for you takes the pressure off so you can focus on what self-care should be, relaxing! Our skincare and beauty goals are totally achievable, even if we don't have the time to put towards them. 

Facials are extra relieving for those who suffer from chronic skin issues and feel they have tried everything. Finding stability in skin care is notoriously difficult. That is why there are seemingly hundreds of treatments and products on the market. Furthermore, many skin conditions have similar symptoms making it hard to choose products correctly. 

I look at monthly facials as a “hands-off” approach to skin care. I trust that my Aesthetician is recommending the correct products, monitoring my skin conditions, and possibly even alerting me to things like dangerous spots. For me, it’s the ease of the professional experience!

In my opinion, just like I could do my car's oil change myself, I feel safer and have less anxiety when I get it changed professionally. Monthly facials help me attain my skincare goals.

What is a “Facial”?

This isn’t a silly question because it can be a bit confusing. There's the quick or “express” facial, the standard essential facial, and the treatment-focused facial. We cover all of these facials at Higher Aesthetics.

A standard facial addresses the skin's essential needs with a custom touch, depending on your concerns. You’ll get a deep cleansing, steaming, extraction, and exfoliation followed by a treatment mask and product application. These steps are features in both express and standard facials with just a variance in length of time.

A treatment-focused facial includes everything a standard facial would, with the addition of a professional-grade treatment of your choice. For example, our Radiate facial consists of a Gua Sha massage to assist in lymphatic drainage.

Aside from the technical definition, a facial is also an ancient healing practice. Our mind and body endure daily stress, leading to muscle tension and spiking cortisol levels. A facial service is a release of energy that helps bring our body out of “fight-or-flight” mode. 

We look at skin holistically, taking into account the different aspects of health like emotions, diet, and your environment. Even the emotional benefit of dedicated relaxation is highly beneficial! Plus, while DIYs can be fun, isn’t there something so healing about being pampered?

Health Benefits of Facial

As I mentioned before, this is a healing service. Treatments like Gua Sha improve circulation and lymphatic drainage. This helps to rid the body of toxins and reduce fluid retention. While facials can be customized, even the basic essential facial is grounding and detoxifying. The health benefits include:

  • Increase circulation, which allows for natural detoxification

  • Safe and effective exfoliation and product usage

  • Fight off bacteria that can cause acne, rosacea, etc.

  • Professionally manage chronic skin conditions

  • Reduce spending on beauty products

  • Reduces stress

Facials at Higher Aesthetics

Our Services page has a complete list of our facial offerings. While each of our treatments is customized to our client's needs, our menu provides a quick look at our services. If you have questions about these facials, you can always call us at - we love to chat about skin!

✨ Refresh Facial, our basic express-style 30-minute treatment, because sometimes our schedule gets busy, and we don’t have the time to focus on self-care. This simple appointment helps ease your stress and heal your skin in a short time frame!

🌱 Restore Facial is a semi-express treatment for dull or congested skin. It includes our cooling globe therapy to assure you leave without redness!

☀️ Radiate Facial is a standard one-hour facial. This service includes the option of a Gua Sha massage to stimulate lymphatic drainage or a customized LED light treatment (for things like lingering acne bacteria or reducing redness).

💦 Detoxify Facial is a deep pore cleansing specifically geared towards our clients with acne. We will use either cooling globes, LED light, or a High-Frequency treatment depending on your needs!

🌸 Blossom Facial is a CBD-infused facial for clients that need a highly anti-inflammatory treatment. This can be used to reduce inflammation to assist in healing.

🌻 Kids Charm Facial because everyone deserves to be pampered, even the littles! 

Treatment services are not essential to healthy, radiant skin; they are just a great option if you feel you want the help of a professional. While this blog was dedicated to all the ways a monthly facial is fantastic - always choose what is best for you!

At Higher Aesthetics, we advocate for you and enjoy helping you achieve your personal goals! If you have questions of any kind, don’t hesitate to reach out or stop by!


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