Hemp for Healing Skin

We offer a range of hemp-based services and products like our Blossom CBD-infused facial at Higher Aesthetics. We are passionate about assisting our clients on their skincare journey. Education can help you find the most effective tools for your individual needs. I use Cannabis to reduce inflammation internally and externally, which has dramatically affected my acne. 

Cannabis is a beautiful multi-use plant with potent healing properties. It is also a fiber used in sustainable textiles. It is a known and loved anti-inflammatory ingredient that calms irritated skin and facilitates topical and internal healing. 

There are two well-known compounds found in Cannabis plants, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC is known for its psychedelic effects, and CBD has anti-inflammatory and anxiety-reducing properties.  

In the past few years, Cannabis has taken the spotlight in the wellness industry for its immense healing benefits (1). You have likely seen CBD in many products ranging from supplements to beauty products and more. CBD has potent effects on systemic inflammation. Most of us live a very pro-inflammation life by default. Stress, diet, hydration, and medical history contribute to this, and CBD helps. It's even clinically proven!

Hemp is not only a great ingredient, but it is also a sustainable material. We are big fans of minimal impact beauty, so we love our reusable hemp facial rounds for your at-home routine (1) (2).

Hemp-based products have contributed to my skin healing journey in a big way. Chronic inflammatory skin conditions are not easy to fix, but you can see a drastic improvement with the right products and services. 

How does CBD heal skin?

CBD heals skin in a couple of different ways. It contains essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins E, A, and D, which are necessary nutrients required by our body.

For skin, because it is naturally high in antioxidants, CBD drastically reduces the free radicals that cause aging, bacteria growth, and wrinkles. When using CBD in treatment, such as a facial, you give the skin what it requires to heal itself. It is essentially used to treat skin and then set it up for success. 

Which skin conditions benefit from CBD?

Sensitive skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne benefit from CBD. Typically these conditions allow for a limited range of product use and professional treatments. CBD is used to reduce inflammation, soothe irritation, improve skin texture, reduce redness, and deeply hydrate the skin. It can be used on all skin types and has no contraindications.

Generally, all skin conditions are going to benefit from anti-inflammatory supplements. In healing, we aim to decrease inflammation and bring the body back into balance. CBD being one of the best natural anti-inflammatory ingredients is why it is a key component to healing skin (2).
At Higher Aesthetics, we are excited to offer CBD-infused facial services and products to our clients! If you have questions about CBD and your skin, reach out to us!

  1. Is CBD oil good for skin? https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/cbd-oil-for-skin

  2. Therapeutic Potential of Cannabidiol (CBD) for Skin Health and Disorders. Baswan. 2020. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7736837/ 


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